Designer & IT-Specialist

Jakob Benning

A few words about myself.

I am 25 years old and currently studying Media & Interaction Design at the Hochschule Osnabrück. Furthermore I am a trained IT specialist with focus on "requirements engineering".
I enjoy facing challenges and developing multidisciplinary solution concepts.

Adobe CC

Through my work in the creative field, I am familiar with the common Adobe software. My focus is on Illustrator and InDesign.


I have already spent some time with WordPress and can set up websites in a realtively short time with the help of the CMS.


Through various projects I have already dealt intensively with HTML and CSS and can create and modify various kind of websites.


I have already worked extensively with prototyping software such as Figma and XD and can therefore develop wireframes and UI concepts.


Through my interest in editing and processing video material, I have acquired skills that go beyond the basic skills.


Due to my own deuteranopia I can guarantee that the result of my work is accessible for people with red-green deficiency.